Mind Enhancement Center

Overcome Stress & Anxiety

Tag: coping with stress

Physical Signs of Stress

Stress is a normal reaction that is supposed to help the body adjust to new situations. Not all stress is bad, in fact it can help us avoid present danger and motivate us to accomplish tasks we’ve deemed important to us.

Today when individuals describe themselves as stressed, very rarely is it because they feel they’re in immediate physical danger. When we allow ourselves to become inundated with stress without relief, we become more susceptible to experiencing physical reactions, some of which can become chronic.


Prolonged stress can cause all types of random aches and pains within the body. From headaches and chest pains to stomach aches and sore muscles, grasping just how much physical wear and tear stress generates in the body can be distressing in itself!

Cardiovascular Issues

When stress runs rampant it’s not uncommon for individuals to experience a variety of cardiovascular issues. Anything from minor chest pain to dramatic changes in blood pressure can be serious signs of physical stress that need to be managed more effectively.

Irregular Sleep

Those experiencing great amounts of stress often experience dramatic and erratic sleeping patterns and behaviors. For some, a typical twenty-four hour period could consist of very little sleep while the next consists of nothing but sleep. While it’s incredibly easy to get stuck in poor sleeping patterns, achieving consistent deep rest can help individuals overcome stress better than almost anything else.   

Digestive Issues

One of the most common symptoms of stress is digestive discomfort. This typically includes stomach cramps, gas, urgency, and even ulcers in some extreme cases. Persistent and unresolved stresses and fears can cause the body to overreact, and sometimes even become a catalyst for more serious and chronic issues.

Final Thoughts

The physical consequences of stress can eventually become dangerous and incredibly detrimental to our overall health, especially when left unchecked. Develop powerful coping techniques and invaluable tools for combating the stress in your life with help from hypnosis and EFT.

At the Mind Enhancement Center, we offer effective hypnosis for stress relief and strive to help individuals live a more stress-free life. Contact us today by heading to our website and to get started with our effective stress relief treatments in Dallas Fort Worth.

Coping With Stress During Quarantine

Coping with stress and uncertainty

The coronavirus outbreak may be bringing stress to many people. Fear of the unknown and the potential health issues that such a pandemic can cause has the power of causing strong emotions among adults and children. By coping with such stresses, not only are you making yourself and those around you stronger, but you are also gaining some peace of mind during these trying times. Read along as we dive into ways to cope with stress during the quarantine.

Stress Can Include…

The stress that an infectious disease outbreak may have on people varies. Such stress can include:

  • Trouble sleeping or concentrating. For some, this may mean a shift in their sleeping schedules or lack of sleep, which can affect their state of mind throughout the day. As well as difficulty concentrating, while at work or home.
  • Fear and worry about your health and the health of your loved ones.
  • Worsening of mental health conditions.
  • An increase in use of alcohol, tobacco, or other substances.

Ways to Cope With Stress

  • Express your emotions. We are all in this together and more often than not other friends and family can be feeling similar emotions and stresses during this crisis. Try talking to someone that you trust and feel comfortable around.
  • Decrease the time spent watching news and social media updates that you may perceive as upsetting. Constantly hearing about a pandemic can raise your stress levels, take a break from it.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you are staying home, take the time to focus on your health by eating mindfully, exercising regularly, and taking time to unwind and relax.
  • Stay connected with your loved ones. With social distancing orders in place, visiting friends or loved ones is not recommended, but you can still stay connected by calling or video chatting!

Need Help?

If your or someone you know is having a difficult time coping with stress, the expert team at Mind Enhancement Center is here to help. We utilize top hypnosis strategies to bring about positive life changes on mental, physical, and emotional levels. Our hypnotists can help improve your wellbeing and help make lasting changes that will forever benefit you. Learn more about us and our services here.