Mind Enhancement Center

Overcome Stress & Anxiety

Tag: smoking habits

The Ultimate Guide to Quitting Smoking with Hypnosis

With so many of us realizing how smoking can affect our health, some people have asked, “can hypnosis be the answer to stop my smoking habit?’ Well, we have a wealth of knowledge and information about this method and its effectiveness. In fact, hypnosis is a proven method that can eliminate your desire to smoke. In this month’s blog, we will discuss how hypnosis works and what to do to quit this harmful habit.  

Change Your Habit with Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a method that is used to modify a client’s habit of smoking cigarettes. A hypnotist places the client in a state of deep relaxation to reach the subconscious. Then, suggestions are placed to modify triggers related to taste, smell, and other factors.  

How Does It Work?

When a client is relaxed, hypnosis and EFT techniques are used to help change the physical and mental reaction to desire to smoke. The feelings of gratification when smoking may be overwhelming, which is where hypnosis and EFT come in to change these responses.

Related: learn more about hypnosis and how it works here.

How to Achieve the Best Results

Along with hypnosis sessions, EFT techniques may be used in order to achieve your goal to quit smoking. This includes focusing on physical reactions when you start to crave a cigarette. These techniques will instructed by a hypnotist based on your personal goals.

Related: learn more about some effective modifications you should try here.


Stop your smoking habit with our hypnosis services at the Mind Enhancement Center. Our certified hypnotists are here to assist you in making positive changes. To learn more about our services, please visit our website or call (817) 589-7407 for further details.

Smoking Distractions You Should Try

Nicotine addiction poses a great challenge when trying to quit smoking. It’s understandable that it is easier said than done. That’s how it feels at first until you apply yourself to understanding that there are more negative side effects of smoking. Smoking also sets you behind in your everyday life routine like commitment to being present in events, shortage of money, and hygiene. Imagine a life where you get to watch a movie with your family and friends all the way through with no smoke breaks? How about a life where no one complains about the bad smell in your car.

If you’ve reached out to many different resources to quit smoking, you probably already know about the health defects. What we are trying to accomplish now is to get you used to the idea that you don’t need to have a cigarette in your hand, or that break that takes time away from your day. Smoking gets to the point of being an impulsive act. With these successful distractions, you will break out of the impulsive habit and find your independence.

Chew Gum

A lot of times, we feel like we need to have something in our mouths. Eating to fill a void can become a negative habit because it can lead to health issues such as obesity, heart disease, or an increase in cholesterol.

Chewing gum helps with stressful times. Lots of people have a tick like biting their nails, overeating or tapping their foot to distract them from stressful thoughts. Gum is the best alternative to having your mouth stay busy in a way that doesn’t affect your wellbeing.

Count Change

Count all the change in your pocket, wallet, and any other place where you tend to find money to fund your cigarettes. You will be pleasantly surprised to see how much money you have saved when you aren’t spending it on your vice. You could even use that extra cash to buy a much-deserved gift to yourself for a successful journey trying to quit.

Brush Your Teeth

Try brushing your teeth every time you get a craving for a cigarette. It will give you a refreshing minty taste in your mouth that will make you want to keep it instead of infesting it with the dry ashy taste and feeling. Getting used to a clean mouth is a great way to realize what you have been missing out on!

Do Your Laundry

This is a long process of a distraction, which works well when you have downtime at home that you would usually spend outside smoking in your thoughts. Having clean, soft, and fresh smelling clothes will give you the same effect as having a clean mouth. You will love the smell of clean and never want to leave a trail of smoke around your loved ones again.

Use a Phone Stick

For those that have a touchscreen phone, try a touchscreen stick. The little sticks are meant to be an alternative to your finger. People use it because they do not have to cover their phone with all the germs on their hands, and it maintains the quality of the screen. Having a stick on your hand at all times will take away the impulsive need to have a cigarette there instead.


There are many healthy ways to distract yourself from smoking. A lot of times, we need to find what it is that makes us start the habit, even though we already know the facts about its effects. Sometimes, it’s not enough to know about the damage because the impulsive acts take over. With these solutions, you will be able to overcome that habit!