Mind Enhancement Center

Overcome Stress & Anxiety

Tag: behavioral changes

Overcoming Your Gambling Habits

A gambling habit, also known as problem gambling, is when an individual has the uncontrollable urge to continuously gamble despite the negative consequences. Some may even recognize that they have the desire to stop, but they can’t break out of the cycle. With gambling being so heavily integrated in society, it can be difficult to pinpoint a habit developing into a problem. In this month’s blog, we discuss how gambling patterns develop and how hypnosis can alter these negative patterns and behaviors.

Signs of a Gambling Habit

Taking your chances on the occasional scratcher card or lottery ticket can be fun, but there’s a huge difference between that and having the urge to gamble at any given moment. It’s important to recognize these problems and understand just how much of an impact gambling has on an individual’s finances and relationships. Here are some signs that point to a gambling habit:

  • Finding it difficult to stop or manage gambling.
  • Spending more time and money on gambling than you can afford.
  • Lying about gambling.
  • Attempting to get out of financial troubles through gambling or accumulating more debt.
  • Borrowing money, skipping bills, selling belongings, or stealing to pay for gambling.
  • Chasing after the “high” of gambling by betting larger amounts of money.
  • Neglecting personal relationships and work obligations.
  • Losing interest in other activities.
  • Feelings of anxiety, irritation, isolation, and guilt.

Why People Turn To Gambling

Many people gamble for entertainment or for the thrill of winning, while others may do it as a little escape. However, the important difference in enjoying something as entertainment and it turning into a problem is when it becomes a way of coping. This can cause more harm than good, especially since gambling is a very expensive habit. Ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away and what starts out as a stress relief can grow into a bigger complication. It becomes a downward spiral for many people, which leads to the development of a habit.

Similar to drugs and other substances, gambling can stimulate the release of dopamine in the brain. Those attached to substances or alcohol require increasingly stronger and higher amounts to satisfy their indulgences and gamblers, in a similar manner, begin to pursue riskier ventures. They begin betting larger and larger amounts of money while craving that thrill and adrenaline to achieve pleasure. Individuals stuck in this cycle may feel compelled to keep gambling in an attempt to recover their losses due to guilt, which consequently leads to even more loss. This is a destructive cycle that has a serious consequences on an individual’s emotional and mental health.

How Hypnosis Can Help

Hypnosis is a very useful tool for habitual gamblers to make lasting positive changes and take control of their urges. Gambling can become a life consuming problem and hypnosis can provide a long-term recovery solution. A certified hypnotist can help the client identify the triggers that lead to the habit and help them break out of that negative cycle. For example, the reason an individual may turn to gambling may be due to an argument or a stressful experience. Hypnosis aims to alter the way a person associates gambling as a coping mechanism and a form of stress relief. Overall, clients will be able to learn how to manage their feelings and cope with things in a healthier manner.

Learn More

At its core, hypnosis helps recovering gamblers build their confidence and self-esteem. It helps clients manage their stress and anxiety while building a stronger mindset to overcome future challenges that may come their way. Mind Enhancement Center specializes in helping clients with behavioral changes while providing the necessary personal and individualized care. Learn more about how hypnosis can help you by visiting our website.

Hypnosis and Stuttering

Do you have trouble with speech fluency? Have you found yourself repeating sounds, syllables, or words while trying to string together a verbal sentence? Stuttering, also known as stammering or childhood-onset fluency disorder, is a speech disorder that causes frequent disruptions in one’s fluency and speech. Individuals who stutter know what to say but have trouble communicating it. Some may repeat or prolong a word or frequently pause in their speech. While many may outgrow developmental stuttering, others may experience constant stuttering well into adulthood. In this month’s blog, we will discuss the symptoms and causes of stuttering and how hypnosis can be beneficial in treating it.

Symptoms of Stuttering

As mentioned above, symptoms of stuttering include difficulty with starting a word or sentence with frequent interruptions caused by repetition and pauses. Stuttering may also include physical tics such as rapid eye blinks, facial tics, head jerks, and fist clenching. Feelings of excitement, stress, pressure, tiredness, and so on can also worsen it.

Individuals who stutter may also find speaking in social settings or in front of large groups very difficult. However, it is known that some are able to speak perfectly when talking to themselves or while singing.

Causes of Stuttering

Stuttering can be caused by various factors. Development stuttering is very common in children as they learn how to develop their speech and language. Generally, this is outgrown and is resolved as they grow older. However, if stuttering continues on into adulthood, it may be due to a psychological issue. This can be caused by many things but it can also be a result of being bullied, abused, or ignored during childhood.

Genetic factors can also lead to stuttering. Families with a history of stuttering have shown that their children are more likely to also develop speech fluency problems, although the severity of it will vary. While researchers have been unable to pinpoint an exact gene, stuttering can be inherited from genetic abnormalities.

In more rare cases, stuttering is caused by a neurological issue such as brain damage from an accident or a serious fall. This is known as acquired stuttering.

How Hypnosis Can Help

If you are struggling with stuttering, especially if it’s due to psychological factors or trauma, hypnosis can be a very beneficial tool in learning how to cope with it and even eliminate it all together. Hypnosis works with your subconscious mind and addresses the root of the cause. It can ease stress and fears while helping you build your confidence.

There are various techniques when it comes to easing the symptoms of stuttering. For example, a hypnotist may use the regression method where the client is taken back to their childhood in order to identify the root of the problem. This may be a time in their life where they were bullied or ignored and had trouble finding their own voice, thus resulting in stuttering. A hypnotist can then help change the client’s beliefs about the situation and desensitize their reaction to the childhood memory. Of course, everyone is unique and has their own particular experiences and causes. It’s always best to personally consult with a certified hypnotist and find the best approach in improving your speech fluency.


Severe stuttering can be very impactful on your life. Here at the Mind Enhancement Center, our certified hypnotists have many years of experience working with clients and helping them with behavioral changes, including stuttering. Our specialized services are carefully tailored to each of our client’s needs. We always strive to provide a safe and comfortable environment and our door is always open to those who would like to explore hypnosis. Visit our website to learn more about our services or contact us at (817) 589-7407 for any questions.