Mind Enhancement Center

Overcome Stress & Anxiety

Tag: hypnosis (page 4 of 4)

3 Ways to Refresh Your Mindset for Spring

While freshening up your room for spring, you may be thinking about cleaning out the closet or dusting the windows. But what about getting rid of your old routines and bad habits? Spring is a wonderful opportunity to establish some much needed change in your lifestyle. This could be anything from making quiet time for yourself or perhaps finding motivation in your personal or work life. Hypnosis is also a great way to jump-start your lifestyle and refresh! If you’re ready to make positive adjustments to your mindset, then continue reading!

1. Dedicate Time for Yourself

Being a busy bee isn’t a bad thing, but sometimes it’s necessary to sit back and give yourself some “me” time. Too often, parents, students, and other working individuals are consumed with projects and social demands of everyday life. So if an opportunity arises to smell the flowers, do it. By this, we mean taking time out of your day to disconnect from social media, texts, calls, etc. Do something for yourself, like taking a walk in your neighborhood or along the beach or listening to calm music in a quiet corner. You may find yourself motivated and inspired to try new things. 

2. Journal Your Thoughts

There are phases of life where you may feel overwhelmed or unmotivated. To get your life back on track for the spring season, try writing down your thoughts in a journal. Take a deep breath and relax, while focusing on the progress you’ve made and what you’re grateful for. Keeping a positive mindset can allow you to gain a new perspective and redefine your self-worth. Other actions you can take is listening to a podcast, reading a book, or immersing yourself in nature. 

3. Self-Care

The mind and the body are connected, so if your body is out of balance, your mind can be affected too. It’s important to focus on aspects of your life that could be improved, such as asking questions like: am I getting enough exercise? Do I need to change my eating habits? By making small adjustments to your daily routine, you can start to see positive changes. Some examples of self-care can be anything from doing yoga, going to the gym, trying healthy recipes, or simply running a hot bath with your favorite candles. 


If you’re looking to make a lasting change to your mind and body, start by contacting the hypnotists at Mind Enhancement Center. Our approach is customized uniquely to our client’s needs. For more information on the hypnotic services we provide, visit our website here

Hypnosis and Spring Cleaning

Every year during the months of spring, people nationwide begin to de-clutter the small and often forgotten about spaces within their home. People also take part in this phenomenon, also known as spring-cleaning, by cleaning up their cars and even work desks. If you are someone who has always wished you could be motivated to spring-clean but find it difficult to participate, HYPNOSIS can help you and you can learn more by continuing to read this months blog!

Subconscious Considerations

Many of the habits and behaviors we exhibit on a daily basis are brought about by what is going on in our subconscious. The thoughts, whether positive or negative, have a huge impact on our daily lives. If you are struggling to find the motivation to really start deep cleaning your messy living spaces, try to consider the different thoughts you subconsciously have. You can start this process by recognizing the different habits you display daily and how they affect your life. Do you have habits that are often a waste of time? Do you have habits that hinder you from reaching your goals in life? Do you harbor habits that no longer serve purpose? Reflection of this level is a great way to get to the bottom of why you may lack motivation. Hypnosis is a great tool to help you dig deeper into your subconscious and make the changes you desire.

Consider Negative Habits

There are many different habits that people partake in that hinder them from reaching their full potential. The problem is, most of these habits are created because they are somewhat satisfying and soothing. The crutches we use to get through life are often what hold us back the most! Do you smoke? Do you overeat? Are you addicted to gambling? Are you an alcoholic? These are all habits that hypnosis can help you overcome. Habits like these are distractions and hinder us from reaching our goals. If you are able to tap into your subconscious thru hypnosis and figure out the root of these issues, you will find success in your ability to no longer lead a messy life.


Spring-cleaning is a great way to de-clutter from all fun inside activities that took place during the winter. The weather is warming up and it feels like a new beginning! If you are struggling to reach your full potential this spring, be sure to reach out to the experts at Mind Enhancement Center! Together, through hypnosis, we will be able to help you have a new beginning by kicking your bad habits.

3 Ways to Improve Your Relationships

With the start of a new year underway, many people are using this time to work towards bettering themselves, either through mindfulness or other forms of self-improvement. This self-care can also take the appearance of taking better care of their interpersonal relationships between friends and family members. Keep reading to discover some simple ways of improving and caring for any of your current and future relationships.

Concept of communicating between people.
Concept of communicating between people.


One solution to caring for all of your relationships is to simply take the time to acknowledge the other person’s opinions and feelings. When it comes to partaking in conversations with the people we care about, everyone wants to feel as though they have been heard and their thoughts considered. By acknowledging the thoughts and opinions of those you love, you’re actually taking the time to show them they matter to you by considering how they feel or how their specific input is able to move conversations and other interactions along.


Sometimes when it comes to the word “compromise” many people don’t like hearing it. Hardly anyone wants to give up their position in a discussion and most would like to have their opinion to be considered the right one. However, compromise isn’t just for romantic relationships, but for any type of relationship you have. By compromising with those you care about it shows you’re willing to meet them in the middle for a better solution that will work for both of you.

Group laughing and enjoying time together.
Group laughing and enjoying time together.

Spend Time with People

As naturally social creatures, humans need to interact with other people. Whether you are more of an introvert or extrovert, sharing personal time with those you’re closest to can actually help with your overall mental health. Spending time with others you’re close to will also allow you to express problems you may be having with your partner or friends in an effort to discover ways of fixing them so these concerns don’t affect the relationship in the long run.

Conclusions If you want to improve your connections with the people in your life this year and beyond, always be sure to take the time to acknowledge their thoughts and feelings and simply spend time with them. If you’re still looking for ways to improve your current relationships, consider a hypnosis session with the experts at Mind Enhancement Center. Contact us today to make the most of your relationships this year!

What PTSD is and How Hypnosis Can Help

There are a wide range of mental disorders that can occur or manifest for a number of reasons throughout our lives. While it isn’t exactly a pleasant idea to consider, dealing with an issue that afflicts you is always a priority and in no way should you feel like hope is lost. When it comes to particularly debilitating conditions like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), it is especially important that you take steps to improve your mental and emotional state to combat the symptoms. Read further if you want to find out exactly what PTSD is and how hypnosis can do wonders to combat its effects.

What is PTSD? :

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a psychological and mood disorder that occurs after a traumatic event or span of time, which greatly interferes with a person’s ability to function properly in everyday life. PTSD is one of the more frequently misdiagnosed disorders due to people often mistaking it for high stress or fear, whereas they are actually just symptoms of a bigger problem. Post-Traumatic stress can come from a major distressful event like abuse or loss, but also from more subtle and elongated events such as bullying or time spent in combat.

How PTSD Differs from Normal Stress:

A lot of people have a hard time separating normal stress or even high levels of stress with PTSD. While stress is something that a majority of people feel throughout their lives, it is important to know the difference between having an episode of stress and losing normal function because of the underlying disorder that you aren’t aware of. A large part of this mix up comes from a lack of education on the condition, meaning people just write off their episodes as high stress and try to ignore it, which unfortunately leads to the episodes getting worse and a flurry of other symptoms.

Symptoms of PTSD:

Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can vary depending on the severity and personality of the person experiencing them, but there are often constants for everyone. Intrusive thoughts of traumatic events or vivid flashbacks frequently occur in a majority of people suffering from the condition, especially if it is a result of one specific event. Dis-association is also a lesser known but very common symptom of the disorder, which means a person will completely disconnect from the present and seem almost as if they don’t have emotion. This, along with the exact opposite reaction of aggressive and violent outbursts, comes when the emotions or stress caused by the traumatic thoughts become too much for the person to handle, resulting in them either lashing out or shutting down completely. Rapid mood swings and denial of any problem can often be found in people that suffer from PTSD, which is also a result of the thoughts or memories being too much to bare.

How Hypnosis Can Help:

With so many intense symptoms and issues that can come from PTSD, it is vital that a course of action is created that can help these individuals work their way back to a healthy and happy mental state. When it comes to trauma the root of the problem is within the mind and like any other aspect of our mind, we are ultimately in control, albeit subconsciously in situations like this. Hypnosis is a way to calm down the mind and allow it to truly reflect on what is afflicting it, because the first step to overcoming trauma is accepting it and seeing what it truly does to us. Facing the issue head on can be tricky when the issue is buried deep in our head and proper hypnosis is a great way to pull out the issues you are unintentionally avoiding and start to work through them.


While there is no tried and true method that completely cures somebody of a condition like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, it doesn’t mean a person can’t come to terms with it and take back control of their mind. Hypnosis is one way for a person to reach into themselves and work through the stress and pain that hurts us, which in the case of PTSD, is exactly the right approach. Mind Enhancement Center has been specializing in helping our clients overcome a wide range of issues since first opening our doors and we hope you can take the first steps to becoming whole again by coming to see us today.

How Can Seniors Stay Young?

It is said the senior community are poor subjects for hypnosis. That tends to be far from the truth. We have found that age is just a number and it tends to be more of a state of mind rather than a condition of the body. Many of our seniors with a younger state of mind have the ability to think, act, and even look younger than they actually are. This has given them the ability to walk circles around their younger counterparts at times. Read on and find out why seniors are great subjects for hypnosis.

What are the Problems?

Seniors, for the most part, deal with a lot of the same issues as the younger generations. They too have hopes, dreams, and fears. When they are experiencing problems in their lives, they too are subject to anxiety, stress, depression, and other emotional difficulties. For most of these problems, hypnosis is the perfect solution whether you are young or old.

Seniors too have to deal with habit control, attitude adjustment, phobic reactions, and fear of illness. As their earning days come to an end, concerns of assets and liability as well as income loom overhead.

Then it comes to new scientific and technological breakthroughs. These advancements place them behind the times, making it an overall stressful situation for seniors. Self-esteem and self-confidence go into a decline and those types of downtrends will make them feel they are no longer interesting to others. Withdrawal follows, accompanied by loss of sense of self-worth. This will increase withdrawal tendencies and enters into a cycle that can be completely devastating.

It’s All So Unnecessary

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy have special capabilities. Attitude and behavior modification, the regeneration of self-esteem and self-confidence and motivation are necessary. Clients can be brought to realize that they don’t need scientific savvy to be interesting people. The senior community can discover that younger generations have much to learn and must turn to the older and wiser seniors for information and guidance. They can rediscover themselves through part-time jobs and volunteering in their communities, quickly convincing themselves that they’re needed and are of high value to the younger generation.

Most hypnosis or hypnotherapy achieves success by focusing on one problem at a time. Dealing with what has been sometime referred to as “The Fountain of Youth” program can take a broader approach. Meaning several elements can be involved and all add up to a single problem; feeling old and out of touch.

Steps Taken

With hypnosis and hypnotherapy, the first step is the establishment of trust, the development of a rapport in which the client is willing and able to listen without a pre-established disbelief.

Some members will respond more rapidly and with greater enthusiasm than others. Not only that, but the inter-communication will tend to elevate the laggards. Once participants become comfortable with hypnosis, individual sessions can use regression to recall periods of high self-worth.

With progress comes increased self-esteem and the development of self-confidence. The power of visualization can be used to create mental pictures of success, achievement of goals, and new levels of acceptance.

If you have been thinking of hypnosis as a solution, our team at Mind Enhancement Center should be your first choice. With our years of hands on experience, we can help you during this time of need.

Hypnosis for Insomnia

Are you having trouble getting a good night’s rest? Your mind may race, thinking about an upcoming stressful event, like the first day of a job. You might replay problems from the day before in your mind over and over, such as a work meeting or a fight with a spouse. Sleep hypnosis for insomnia can provide a way to help turn off our minds. By reaching a relaxed state, you can experience the deep sleep your body is craving. If you would like to learn how hypnosis can help with insomnia, then continue reading!

Physical Relaxation

Hypnosis can offer a way for the body to relieve tension. When the muscles in the body start to relax, clients can achieve a feeling of heaviness in the body. Breathing and focus techniques are then implemented in the process. Breathing is important because it focuses your attention on one simple task and allows your body to let go of any remaining tension.

Mental Relaxation

According to Grace Space Hypnosis, “the hypnotic state, much like meditation, is a state of heightened awareness and focus.” By following hypnosis techniques, you can begin to clear your mind of worries and fears. You may start to move away from your conscious thoughts, and find a disconnection from your surroundings. Sleep hypnosis is considered beneficial because it helps slow your internal thoughts and tune them out. Your hypnotist may ask you to think of a color, a simple thought, or other variable to help you drift off to sleep.

Deep Sleep

The transition from a state of hypnosis to sleep is quite natural. Once you’ve relaxed mentally and physically, simple suggestions can allow your body and mind to enter a deep sleep. According to WebMD, “it’s difficult to rouse you during this stage of sleep, and if someone woke you up, you would feel disoriented for a few minutes.” Overall, deep sleep gives your body and mind a chance to recover and heal during the night.


Take advantage of sleep hypnosis and get the deep sleep that your mind and body need. We encourage you to contact the team at the Mind Enhancement Center and get treated for your insomnia or other sleep disorder. We have the resources you need to improve your sleep and be better rested for the day ahead. Visit our website to learn more about our hypnotherapy treatments today!

Hypnosis and the Law of Attraction: A Recipe for Long-Term Happiness

Did you know that it may be possible to create the life you want simply by thinking positively and visualizing it? According to the Law of Attraction, it’s a very real way of achieving your goals. You may be a little confused, which is why we’re going to give a simple explanation of the Law of Attraction and how hypnosis can help you use it effectively.

What is the Law of Attraction?

To put it simply, The Law of Attraction is the idea that our thoughts and feelings attract similar events and experiences. In other words, a woman who is regularly visualizing being more financially successful will attract wealth into her life. Similarly, a man who is constantly imagining the worst possible scenario befalling him will end up in negative situations.

The principle was first named in the late 1800s after inventor Phineas Quimby successfully cured his own tuberculosis, a disease that was highly fatal at the time, simply through positive thinking. Afterwards, the idea was further developed and practiced by spiritual teachers and philosophers and it was eventually popularized by the 2006 film, The Secret.

How does hypnotism help?

In order to “manifest,” or bring the desired experiences to occur, you will need to believe wholly in The Law of Attraction. The problem is that society has taught many of us to be skeptics and to passively accept the negative aspects of our life as inevitable facts. Even if you know exactly what you want in life, you may have deeply-rooted beliefs that those things will never come to you, due to low self-worth, pessimism or guilt.

Overcoming those problems in your thought patterns may seem like a daunting task, but through hypnotism, it’s possible. Hypnotism is intended to help change the way we think and can enable you to accept those changes as your new truth. Afterward, you will be free to manifest love, health, a successful career, and more.


The Law of Attraction can be a powerful tool for change, but only if you’re able to overcome the challenges that your own mind can create. Hypnosis is one of the best methods of doing this. If you’re ready to manifest happiness and abundance in your life, start your journey with affordable and effective hypnosis at Mind Enhancement Center.

Achieving Your Best Self Through the Power of Hypnosis

Allowing yourself to be uniquely-you is a brave and remarkable matter. Unfortunately, due to loud and chaotic thoughts that often circulate through your mind, tapping into your better self can be difficult. However, with the power of hypnotherapy, there is hope for all who seek it! Follow along with our blog to reach unlimited power inside yourself.

Relationship with Self

Above all, the relationship you have with yourself is the most important one; it will set the tone for every other relationship you have. Sadly, many find a positive relationship with themselves to be the hardest to maintain. Hypnotherapy works to help you set the tone for all areas of life. Key characteristics of someone who is happily in tune with themselves will display healthy levels of self-esteem and confidence, while also displaying less procrastination and showing more motivation. People who lack these characteristics will find that hypnosis makes it easier to reach down into themselves and pull to the surface the traits they are yearning for.

Relationship with Others

Once you have a healthy relationship with yourself, you can begin working on your relationship with others. Issues in relationships often stem from misunderstandings and miscommunications. When negative instances show up, the attitude between two people drastically changes. With the help of hypnotherapy, you can develop a greater understanding of just how important communication between two people is. You’ll begin to notice a positive change in attitude. Now, all of the key elements that support your personal relationship will spill over into your relationship with others. Your confidence and security will allow you to make the most out of every relationship you find yourself in!

Within Your Career

There are many areas in life that will demand you to have a strong sense of self, however, none like your career will prove to be as difficult. Across the board, many people find that work life is stressful; even in the best of careers. Imagine you went to school, got your degree, accepted the job of your dreams and you still are feeling uneasy. This isn’t uncommon. In terms of your personal development, it can even extend to your career. When you lack the confidence and insight to excel mentally and physically at your job, going to work becomes a negative experience. Hypnotherapy has the power to modify your perception of possibility. By creating a positive outlook, you can greatly enhance the interactions you have at work. With a dose of confidence and energy, you’ll see that your motivation to excel will skyrocket. Hypnosis allows your mind to understand that a positive outlook is the key to personal and career growth.


Unleashing your great potential is as simple as enjoying a hypnotherapy session. Life today is so busy, it’s no wonder that thoughts are jumbled and misconstrued. A strong sense of who we are deep inside is the key to excelling in relationships and work. It takes courage to move in the right direction. Allow yourself to take the first step by visiting our Mind Enhancement Center website for more, in-depth information on how transformative hypnotherapy can be for you!

3 Great Tips for Managing Stress During Tax Season

It’s coming, and it’s coming up fast. Tax season is always a time of year where stress levels are high because of all the paperwork that needs to be completed on time and as accurately as possible. When you’re worried about your finances to such an extent, you can easily forget to give yourself a break as well. Keep reading to learn some mind and body saving techniques for managing your stress more efficiently this tax season!

Woman stretching by a river.

Woman stretching by a river.

Go Outside

If you’ve been cooped up inside for too long, put down the pen and papers and head outside for some fresh air. Getting outside and taking a deep breath while enjoying the sunshine can help you go back to work feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of the tax paperwork. So, whether you simply step onto your porch or sit on a nearby bench, spend some time outside to reset yourself before heading back in.

Grab a Mental Break

With today’s technology making it incredibly easy to take care of preparing and filing your taxes from your computer, you need to step away from the screen for a mental break every now and again. Whether or not you go outside, simply standing up or finding a book or magazine to read for a little bit is all you need in order to be able to face the tax forms again. Find something that’ll let your brain have a moment to relax and take a breather before heading back to the computer to finish.

Man walking with a bicycle.

Man walking with a bicycle.

Find a Way to Stay Moving

When it comes to managing your stress levels, any level of movement has been shown to help. Whether you go for a walk or play some music to dance around your home to, staying active and moving while dealing with your taxes is a great way to prevent a burnout. By choosing something you love doing, you’ll be able to approach your taxes with renewed gusto!


While tax season can appear to come from nowhere and bring with it new levels of stress that you’re not entirely ready for, following these tips will help you take control over your taxes and manage your stress more efficiently. The most important thing to remember is that you control your stress and taxes, not the other way around. Hypnosis can be an extremely useful method for finding your inner confidence to take control over these things. If you’d like some one on one time with a professional and licensed hypnotist in order to retake control over your stress, give us a call today!

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