Mind Enhancement Center

Overcome Stress & Anxiety

Tag: regain control

Hypnosis & Negative Thoughts

            There is never a good time to find happiness and hope within your life. When you can control your negative thoughts, it either eliminates or reduces your negative thoughts about yourself. You can take control of your life by tackling the ideas that are hurting you. It can take up to 21 days to create a new habit in the subconscious mind. So it is essential to ask yourself, what patterns can I change in my life to have a better life? 


Quickly Releasing Negativity

Everything in the universe starts with a beginning, like a seed birthing a tree. Your thoughts also can birth lousy behavior or habits. Using your mind’s eye, you can discern what deep thoughts are hurting you or helping you. Just like a tree, you can identify what part of the tree is dying and growing.  Positive and negatives thoughts can bring different emotions. When you linger on negative thoughts, it becomes easier to have a negative mindset, and positive thoughts work similarly. 

As you walk on your path, you can easily walk to your destination. But when you depart from the original path, it becomes harder to walk due to external obstacles. The same approach can come from our thinking. Our thoughts become more repetitive the more we act upon them.

Hypnosis can help you change this automatic pattern by activating those responses.  You can be in a safe, comfortable environment such as our office and receive new positive thoughts thru the power of suggestion. Hypnosis is effective because when you are deeply relaxed or in a ‘trance-like state, you are more susceptible to suggestion, and therefore more likely to adopt a new habit, the ‘learned’ response.


It is not easy at first to start walking on the right path. But, over time, it will become easier. It essential to set goals for personal development and get the critical elements to have positive progress. Allow your call to the Mind Enhancement Center to be your first smart goal. At the Mind Enhancement Center, we help you with personal growth and self-esteem improvement. You can set an appointment with us today. Hypnosis has proven successful with Stress, Habits, fears, weight control, anger, grief, smoking cessation and more. Give us a call today at (817) 589-7407 or visit our website.

The Five Stages of Grief

“Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” – Vicki Harrison

The emotions we feel from losing a loved one can be overwhelming. As we try to process this loss, grief begins to set in. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, a renowned psychiatrist, established the theory that grief occurs in five distinct stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Of course, all of us grieve differently, but at some point, we will come to experience one or more of these stages. Continue reading to learn more about the five stages of grief.


The first stage in the theory is denial. It is used to minimize the pain of loss. As we are trying to comprehend a reality without our loved one, we need to survive this intense emotional pain. Denial slows the process down so we can adjust to a new reality. It’s a time where we may reflect on experiences with this person and wonder how to move on without them.


After losing a person we love, we can experience anger. Extreme emotions, such as anger, is something that happens when we are uncomfortable. So when we express anger, we may be left feeling isolated in our experiences. Because it’s such a strong emotional release, it can push others away or let us be perceived as unapproachable.


Desperation sets in as we begin to bargain with ourselves. We start to consider ways to avoid the pain. We may find ourselves making requests to a higher power. There also are moments where we may feel completely helpless because the situation is out of our control. We are trying to get back control, even though the pain is inevitable.


As we come to terms with the loss, we are now faced with reality. We can begin to grieve, but feel a deep sadness that wasn’t there before. During this time, we may retreat inward and become less sociable. This sadness can slowly turn into depression, which has multiple signs. From loss of appetite to feelings of hopelessness, depression comes in many forms.


As we reach a place of acceptance, we can begin to move forward. We may still feel the pain of loss, but we can begin to heal and reconnect with others for support. We can start to feel more hopeful again.


If you feel overwhelmed by sadness or grief in your life, contact our experienced hypnosis and EFT specialists at the Mind Enhancement Center. We offer grief management so you can regain control in your daily life and routine. Please give us a call at (817)-589-7407 today!