Mind Enhancement Center

Overcome Stress & Anxiety

Tag: self improvement

Dealing with Exam Stress

Exams and finals week are the bane of every student’s academic career and can either make or break their grades. When it’s time to put their knowledge, memorization, and recall ability to the test, most – if not all – students experience an abundance of stress. It can be very difficult to cope with and some individuals may even start feeling physically ill as a result. In this month’s blog, we discuss how to deal with exam stress and nervousness.

Why Stress Builds Up

The fear and unease that comes with exams affects students of all ages. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how well they prepare themselves or how long their study sessions were – there will always be that lingering panic and nervousness. This is usually due to the uncertainty of the unknown and not knowing what questions or problems that will pop up. Many also doubt their ability to perform and draw blank during test taking.

In our society, there is a great emphasis on utilizing exams to measure a person’s knowledge and abilities. While we all expect it during school or going into a job, those built up feelings of stress will always be prevalent as the testing date draws near. If an individual doesn’t know how to cope with it, it often leads to intense emotions, panic attacks, or even “breaking points”.

Over time, the built up stress will lead to lasting negative impacts on a person’s unconscious mind and result in more performance-based fears.

Hypnosis and Coping with Exam Nerves

Preparing for your exam and acing it isn’t just about how knowledgeable you are, but it also depends on your state of mind. While you may know the information to pass the test, the stress will hinder your ability to focus and concentrate. You are more likely to achieve your full potential when you feel calm, focused, and confident.

Through hypnosis, an individual will be able to control those exam nerves and reduce any fears associated with it. This allows more room for confidence and relaxation. In addition, hypnosis will defuse any self-sabotaging habits and keep clients motivated moving forward. Self-esteem and self-belief will also be restored, which leads to enhanced learning and memory recall.

Additional Tips to Calm Your Nerves 

Sometimes a little bit of stress is good for motivation, but experiencing too much stress will hinder your abilities. When you find yourself struggling with nerves during an exam week again, here are some additional tips to try out:

  • Focus on breathing techniques to calm yourself.
  • Keep a planner or schedule of your studying time.
  • Study in a peaceful and quiet environment.
  • Try working in short bursts rather than a prolonged study session to avoid fatigue.
  • Always remember to take breaks to stretch, eat, and hydrate.
  • Take a short walk if you feel restless sitting in one spot.
  • Avoid social media and other distractions.
  • Start a workout routine.
  • While college students are notorious for pulling all-nighters, try to keep a consistent and adequate sleeping schedule.

Learn More

Don’t let stress take over your life and break free from its hold with the help of Mind Enhancement Center. Our certified hypnotists will help you take control again and achieve success with any type of test taking. For more information, please visit our website or call (817) 589-7407 for any questions. Get started on consultation today!  

3 Ways to Refresh Your Mindset for Spring

While freshening up your room for spring, you may be thinking about cleaning out the closet or dusting the windows. But what about getting rid of your old routines and bad habits? Spring is a wonderful opportunity to establish some much needed change in your lifestyle. This could be anything from making quiet time for yourself or perhaps finding motivation in your personal or work life. Hypnosis is also a great way to jump-start your lifestyle and refresh! If you’re ready to make positive adjustments to your mindset, then continue reading!

1. Dedicate Time for Yourself

Being a busy bee isn’t a bad thing, but sometimes it’s necessary to sit back and give yourself some “me” time. Too often, parents, students, and other working individuals are consumed with projects and social demands of everyday life. So if an opportunity arises to smell the flowers, do it. By this, we mean taking time out of your day to disconnect from social media, texts, calls, etc. Do something for yourself, like taking a walk in your neighborhood or along the beach or listening to calm music in a quiet corner. You may find yourself motivated and inspired to try new things. 

2. Journal Your Thoughts

There are phases of life where you may feel overwhelmed or unmotivated. To get your life back on track for the spring season, try writing down your thoughts in a journal. Take a deep breath and relax, while focusing on the progress you’ve made and what you’re grateful for. Keeping a positive mindset can allow you to gain a new perspective and redefine your self-worth. Other actions you can take is listening to a podcast, reading a book, or immersing yourself in nature. 

3. Self-Care

The mind and the body are connected, so if your body is out of balance, your mind can be affected too. It’s important to focus on aspects of your life that could be improved, such as asking questions like: am I getting enough exercise? Do I need to change my eating habits? By making small adjustments to your daily routine, you can start to see positive changes. Some examples of self-care can be anything from doing yoga, going to the gym, trying healthy recipes, or simply running a hot bath with your favorite candles. 


If you’re looking to make a lasting change to your mind and body, start by contacting the hypnotists at Mind Enhancement Center. Our approach is customized uniquely to our client’s needs. For more information on the hypnotic services we provide, visit our website here

Why Resolutions Fail

January 17th is a new holiday that has found its way into our society’s consciousness. It’s known as “Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day.” It sprung up out of the fact that most people have already given up on their New Year’s Resolutions before the month is even over. A recent study showed 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail by February (U.S. News & World Report). That means 4 out of 5 people who make resolutions will have ditched them before the month comes to an end. What does this research mean? Why do we struggle so much with keeping resolutions?

Be Specific

Part of the reason we struggle in keeping resolutions may have to do with the fact that we generally use vague language when making them. Simply saying I want to lose weight, save money, or eat better, isn’t going to cut it. You need to have a very specific goal that can be measured. For instance, save money could be transformed into a specific measurable objective such as “save 10 percent of each paycheck” or “save $100 a month.” A goal to exercise more could be changed into a tangible goal like “complete 90 minutes of exercise per week.”

Measure Your Progress

If you can’t measure your progress, chances are you will fail. Being able to see yourself working toward your goal will help you stay motivated. It will also help you see where to make adjustments instead of having a setback and giving up completely. If you set a goal to save $100 a month, but have only been able to put away about $50 a month we could be inclined to give up. Instead of throwing in the towel you can see if there are areas of spending that can be reduced, or adjust your savings goal to be more realistic with your budget. Don’t feel bad if you need to scale back your goal. Although it may take longer, as long as you are expending effort in moving toward your resolution you will eventually get where you want to be.

Start Small

Small goals are more effective. According to Stephen Guise, author of Mini Habits, we tend to have a mental block toward challenging tasks like getting up early to exercise. He advocates creating a goal so ridiculously easy that you can’t come up with a mental excuse not to do it.  He created a healthier lifestyle with his initial fitness goal of one pushup a day. It was so easy he couldn’t fail. The author found that once he got his body moving he usually did more exercise than a single pushup. He just had to start. On days where he was sick or truly did not have time, doing one pushup kept him from mentally abandoning his goal to get fit. As he kept up this consistent routine his mind became used to the idea of exercising and getting in shape became a much easier task. Perhaps you could create a mini goal for resolutions you truly struggle with. You could try smoking one less cigarette a day, saving $5 a week or doing the plank exercise for 5 seconds a day. Taking this baby steps approach may make it easier to get where you want to be mentally, physically and financially.

Get Support

Having someone to keep you accountable or assist you in working towards making big life changes can greatly increase your success. Whether it’s a friend, nutritionist, personal trainer, counselor or coach, having an additional layer of support will help you stay motivated for the long run. At the Mind Enhancement Center  we have helped many individuals make great changes within themselves to improve their overall quality of life. Check out our website to find out more about what we can do to help you make your resolutions a reality.