Mind Enhancement Center

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Chronic Pain Relief and Hypnosis

Chronic Pain is a symptom that something is wrong, somewhere, whether that pain be physical or mental. Those suffering from chronic pain will often experiment with various alternative pain management approaches, because any help from natural pain relief is usually more than welcome. In this month’s blog we discuss how hypnosis specifically can provide chronic pain relief and help those seeking to better manage the chronic pain in their life.

Hypnosis Explained

Hypnosis can help relieve many physical symptoms and can frequently provide relief when other traditional techniques fail. During a typical session, a certified hypnotist will guide their client into a deeply relaxed state through positive talk and suggestions. These suggestions may be direct or indirect, interpersonal, or may utilize guided imagery, goal setting or other procedures.

This enables improved communication between the conscious and subconscious mind while they’re in a more receptive state. To fully receive the benefits of this practice it’s crucial that the client can accept that relief is possible.

Power of the Mind

Countless satisfied clients are proof that through hypnosis you can move from deep pain to deep relaxation and relief through the power of the mind. The National Institute of Cancer has shared nearly sixty articles explaining how hypnosis can provide relief for those managing cancer and the side effects of chemotherapy including nausea, loss of appetite, chronic pain and more.

With the power of the mind, help from hypnosis, and Emotional Freedom Techniques it is possible to eliminate or greatly reduce these side effects and other chronic pains. The effectiveness of pain relief through hypnosis varies depending on the condition and personality of the client, the numerous types of hypnotic methods, and other important factors.

Final Thoughts

For nearly thirty years the certified hypnotists at Mind Enhancement Center have brought comfort to those suffering from a wide array of physical and emotional fears, pains, and intense stressors. The relief hypnosis can provide knows no bounds, so why not contact our expert hypnotists in the Fort Worth Dallas Area for effective and lasting chronic pain relief starting as soon as today? For a pain-free life, call (817) 589-7407 now.

The Five Stages of Grief

“Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” – Vicki Harrison

The emotions we feel from losing a loved one can be overwhelming. As we try to process this loss, grief begins to set in. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, a renowned psychiatrist, established the theory that grief occurs in five distinct stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Of course, all of us grieve differently, but at some point, we will come to experience one or more of these stages. Continue reading to learn more about the five stages of grief.


The first stage in the theory is denial. It is used to minimize the pain of loss. As we are trying to comprehend a reality without our loved one, we need to survive this intense emotional pain. Denial slows the process down so we can adjust to a new reality. It’s a time where we may reflect on experiences with this person and wonder how to move on without them.


After losing a person we love, we can experience anger. Extreme emotions, such as anger, is something that happens when we are uncomfortable. So when we express anger, we may be left feeling isolated in our experiences. Because it’s such a strong emotional release, it can push others away or let us be perceived as unapproachable.


Desperation sets in as we begin to bargain with ourselves. We start to consider ways to avoid the pain. We may find ourselves making requests to a higher power. There also are moments where we may feel completely helpless because the situation is out of our control. We are trying to get back control, even though the pain is inevitable.


As we come to terms with the loss, we are now faced with reality. We can begin to grieve, but feel a deep sadness that wasn’t there before. During this time, we may retreat inward and become less sociable. This sadness can slowly turn into depression, which has multiple signs. From loss of appetite to feelings of hopelessness, depression comes in many forms.


As we reach a place of acceptance, we can begin to move forward. We may still feel the pain of loss, but we can begin to heal and reconnect with others for support. We can start to feel more hopeful again.


If you feel overwhelmed by sadness or grief in your life, contact our experienced hypnosis and EFT specialists at the Mind Enhancement Center. We offer grief management so you can regain control in your daily life and routine. Please give us a call at (817)-589-7407 today!

Hypnosis vs Meditation

In many ways the wide spread stigmas surrounding hypnosis and meditation have resulted in a lot of misinformation about how these practices are executed, their tangible benefits, and the philosophies behind them. Below we discuss the benefits of hypnosis and meditation, how they’re similar, and how they are also very distinctive from one another.

How to Practice


There are varying levels, or states, of mediation that can be achieved with practice. Basic mediation can be accomplished alone simply by focusing on the breath and only the breath. Most beginners will find this difficult as it’s natural at first for the mind to wander. Over time and with practice it will become easier to still the mind for an extended period of time.


Hypnosis is a guided means of communication between the conscious and the subconscious mind to effect positive change in one’s life. It is achieved with the help of a professional who will guide their client into a deeply relaxed state using verbal repetition and mental visual imaging. During this state the conscious and subconscious are more receptive to helpful and positive suggestions.



In a relatively short amount of time those regularly practicing meditation will experience improved concentration, control over thoughts and reactions, reduced levels of stress and much more. Being able to control the breath and heart rate has also been linked to improved physical health as well.


Hypnosis can help people achieve a rapid and lasting positive change mentally, physically and emotionally. Once a hypnosis specialist has helped their client into a deeply relaxed state, they are able to provide tools and successful techniques that can benefit those with stress, anger, strong fears, and even those wanting to control their weight or quit smoking.

Final Thoughts

While meditation can be beneficial to many, it can rarely help those seeking relief from deeper, more complex stressors, habits, and fears. At Mind Enhancement Center you will be met with a team and atmosphere centered around quality service, privacy, and the highest codes of ethics and standards. Call us at (817) 589-7407 to achieve lasting positive change in your life through hypnosis!

Refine Your Communication Skills with Hypnosis

While some may find communicating easy, others have difficulties with saying what they want and need. Communication skills are used every day in personal relationships, socializing with friends and co-workers, and even having a small conversation with a stranger. Therefore, if one is lacking in confidence or fears being judged, then communicating can be a challenge. With hypnosis, you can learn effective communication skills and overcome irrational fears and stresses. Read our blog to find out how to improve your daily conversations.

Building Self-Confidence

Lacking self-confidence can be an obstacle when it comes to communication. Some examples include being uncomfortable starting a conversation, running out of things to say, or worrying about saying the wrong thing. Confidence is key in a conversation, no matter if you are speaking with a friend or talking to someone new. Thus, to successfully build your self-confidence, you can practice hypnosis techniques to change your mindset. Moreover, these techniques can boost your mental and emotional well-being.

Overcoming Fear

The fear of being judged can be an overwhelming feeling. Negative and intrusive thoughts may start to creep in, even when you are trying to focus on the conversation. Rather than concentrating on what that persons thinks about you, try shifting your thoughts into a more positive mindset. Changing your thinking and social behavior may take some time, but it’s important to acknowledge that your thoughts and opinions have value. Talk with a hypnotist to explain your fears or stresses about communication and set goals for improvement.


For successful communication in your personal and professional life, call the certified hypnotists at the Mind Enhancement Center. You can learn to communicate effectively with others by using hypnosis techniques and EFT with our hypnotists. Contact us at (817) 589-7407 for more information.

And remember… ““What the mind can conceive, I can achieve!”

Hypnosis and Diabetes


Diabetes is a disease where the body is unable to create or respond to the insulin it requires to break down glucose and create energy. This disease can affect the body physically, psychologically, emotionally, and otherwise.

In order to stay healthy and manage it properly, those living with either type of this disease have to work proactively alongside a team of experts to maintain both their mental and physical health. When traditional therapies fail to deliver results, ultimately many find success in alternative and other holistic therapies such as hypnosis.

How Hypnosis Can Help

Hypnosis has helped many people better manage the psychological and behavioral components involved with diabetes in ways that other forms of therapy have not. Hypnosis is unique to traditional therapy because it works specifically with the subconscious mind, which is where many of our habitual thoughts reside.

According to the American Diabetes Association, those who maintain regular self-care and stress management are more likely to make healthier food and exercise choices, which work to slow the progression of the disease. When given the support and tools necessary, those who are open to the benefits of hypnosis can overcome old habits and achieve improved stress management, social skills, weight control, and more!

Final Thoughts

Today hypnosis and other relative cognitive therapies help countless men and women better manage every day stressors and make healthier lifestyle choices. These treatments in adjunction to regular exercise, healthy eating patterns, and insulin management are the best methods for living a full and healthy life with diabetes.

The professionals at Mind Enhancement Center in Hurst, TX have years of experience working with clients to manage their diabetes and overcome bad habits, sadness, prolonged distress, and much more. Call us today at (817) 589-7407 for more information and to schedule your one on one consultation!

Anger Control Through Hypnosis

Feeling angry is a normal part of life, and can be felt from time to time. Situations or events can arouse your anger, and to some it might be a feeling that comes and leaves just as fast. However, to others, anger can be an emotion that is difficult to control, making a serious impact in one’s life.

When you don’t know how to manage your anger effectively, it can tarnish areas of your life such as your relationships, jobs and your self-esteem. At Mind Enhancement Center, our objective is to teach you to control or reduce your emotional responses and help you learn to control feelings, situations or events that provoke your anger through effective hypnosis techniques. Read along as we discuss how hypnosis can help control your anger.

Realize When Anger Is Becoming an Issue

Individuals show anger in different ways; some people show their anger in loud noticeable ways, whereas others mask their anger and patterns. Not being in control of your anger can lead to withdrawals and even physical sickness. There are various types of angers that can be damaging, and realizing that your anger has consumed your mental and physical space is the first step to gaining control of such emotions.

Seeking Professional Help

Through hypnosis, Mind Enhancement Center provides powerful anger management solutions to better control or manage one’s anger. The first step is to review the cause of your anger, whether it is due to past events, or stemming from yourself, it is our goal to help you understand the underlying cause.

Secondly, we will review the physical and/or emotional responses. Through our effective techniques, positive new responses to old disturbances can begin with major changes in attitude and reactions.

Not only will hypnosis help with anger management, but it can also help with feelings of depression, stress or anxiety that stem from your uncontrolled anger.

To learn more on how hypnosis can help manage your anger, feel free to contact our office. Our highly knowledgeable team is here to guide you through our process and help you find a solution to your anger through our effective techniques. 

Improve Study Habits and Memory for Distance Learning

Given the current pandemic situation, there are more students using online learning for education. It is a method where students and teachers are meeting online for classes and learning at home instead of sitting in a classroom setting. As these students are transitioning to e-learning, they may find themselves struggling to focus on tasks and remembering due dates. Follow along in our blog as we discuss how to improve study habits and memory for distance learning.

Studying at Home

Physical location plays a major role when it comes to studying. If there are distractions at home, such as a T.V., pets, or even a phone, then the ability to concentrate on homework or study for a test becomes harder to do. Concentration is essential and the learner should leave designated area when concentration becomes difficult. Getting up for rest breaks and stretches are beneficial after a long class session. In addition, blocking out distractions with visualization can help too.

Memory Development

While a quiet, designated area is necessary for learning, so is memory development. Students learning at home may become frustrated with memorizing subject matter. They may also be dealing with thoughts of fear, such as failing a test. Through the power of hypnosis, students can learn to set personal goals and create motivation for themselves. They will also learn ways to relax at will, which can lead to improving self-confidence and awareness of control.


To start studying more effectively today, reach out to our team of hypnotists at the Mind Enhancement Center. We use hypnotism and EFT techniques to enhance your learning and improve your memory. We want to make lasting changes to your studying habits, so give us a call at (817) 589-7407 or visit us online for more information.

And remember… ““What the mind can conceive, I can achieve!”

Emotional Freedom Techniques/ Tapping (EFT)

Today there are countless conventional and unconventional ways to approach emotional healing. From prescriptions and psychiatry to yoga and acupuncture, a technique that works for one person may be counterproductive for another. Continue reading along if you’re ready to learn more about the gentle and effective emotional freedom techniques offered at the Mind Enhancement Center!

What is EFT?

From the outside, Emotional Freedom Techniques can appear to simply be an easy way of physically tapping energy points on the body. However on the inside EFT is working to reduce physical and emotional recovery times for those suffering from a wide array of issues.  EFT uses a combination of cognitive therapy and acupressure designed to target and heal any underlying emotional issues that may be resulting in physical ailments.

How Can it Help You?

The fact that emotional trauma tends to present itself physically in the body shows how trauma can hinder our healing processes.  EFT can help people manage stress and negative emotions encountered on a daily basis. Hypnosis combined with EFT are valuable tools that have proven successful in helping to change reactions and feelings where other techniques may have failed, allowing individuals to function more easily in daily life.

Practice Makes Perfect – Tap Your Troubles Away!

EFT is so simple, we teach it to children.  After learning how it works in a session, and using it yourself, it is tool you can uses at your convenience if needed and it is so useful you can teach it to your children of overcome anger, stress, bullying, fears, shyness etc.


Learn how to tap your troubles away with the help of the hypnotists at the Mind Enhancement Center. We teach our clients to use EFT to encourage or assist emotional healing within themselves. Hypnosis combined with EFT makes it easier to change your life.  Learn more about our Emotional Freedom Techniques by calling (817) 589-7407 or visiting our website here.

Quit Smoking with Hypnosis

The Mind Enhancement Center agrees with the CDC statement, “Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causing many diseases and affecting the health of smokers in general. Quitting smoking has immediate as well as long-term benefits for you and your loved ones.”  A large percentage of smokers want to quit for health purposes, what’s holding them back? Well, there may be more than a couple reasons why. Smoking isn’t limited to physical habit; it’s a mental pattern as well. If you are ready to change your mindset and quit smoking, hypnosis can help. Learn more about the power of hypnosis to curb your smoking habit and continue reading.

Understanding the Physical Hook

The sensation of smoke filling your lungs and the feeling of relaxation that comes with it is only part of the craving. It’s the body’s physical response to the smoke and nicotine. Some may crave a cigarette just for the nicotine. However, this craving has its drawbacks. Nicotine withdrawal has many symptoms that are unpleasant, ranging from headaches to nausea. Understanding the health risks that come along with smoking and what’s triggering this habit is important, especially for hypnosis. During your session with our trained hypnotist, you can control your urges and suppress that automatic response to light up.

Understanding the Mental Compulsion

Many smokers believe cigarette smoking relieves stress, calms the nerves, and helps them relax. In reality, nicotine is a stimulant and actually has the opposite effect. Also, cigarette smoking is like an old friend that you don’t want to let go. Smoking becomes automatic for most users and they reach out for that cigarette without thinking. It is a compulsion. However, hypnotic suggestions can change your desire to smoke, giving you the power to overcome the urge to smoke. 


Change your smoking habit with a hypnosis program at the Mind Enhancement Center. Our certified hypnotists are here to guide you to make positive changes. From smoking and weight control, to stress and trauma, we use hypnosis and EFT methods so you can see improvements in your personal and professional life. Call (817) 589-7407 to schedule a free consultation or an appointment today!

What is a Mental Health Day?

When life becomes too overwhelming for you, a mental health day may be needed. But what does this mean? Well according to Gunderson Health System, “a mental health day is a day meant to help reduce stress and burnout. It can provide a pause to come back with more energy, less stress and a renewed spirit.” Learn more on how to improve your mental well-being on your day off!

When Do I Plan a Mental Health Day?

The stress and worry of life can be exhausting, leaving you feeling tired and not yourself. It’s important to take a step back and focus on your mental health. This means taking a break from work or your personal relationships, giving you a chance to relax. Your mental health day is meant for you, so if you need to schedule time off from work, do so by planning a time and date. Make your mental health a priority!

What Do I Do on My Mental Health Day?

With a full day to yourself, it’s a good idea to think about your needs first. Some questions to ask yourself is: Do you need to relax? Or maybe you need some time with family or friends? Maybe you need a day of shopping and pampering? Whatever you decide to do during your day, this is your chance to regain your mental strength. Prioritize activities that are going to benefit your mental health the most!

What If I Need More Time?

One day may not be enough to recharge. If you need a weekend away or a long vacation, it’s okay to plan for more days off. Your mental health needs are valid, so don’t worry about missing out on upcoming events. If you have a job that requires notice, communicate what days you will be gone.


When you are ready to improve on your mental health, contact the hypnotists at Mind Enhancement Center. We are here to change your life for the better, as we focus on areas such as stress relief, panic attacks, sadness, and more. Learn more about our hypnosis solutions by calling us at (817) 589-7407 or visiting our website here. We look forward to hearing from you.

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