In many ways the wide spread stigmas surrounding hypnosis and meditation have resulted in a lot of misinformation about how these practices are executed, their tangible benefits, and the philosophies behind them. Below we discuss the benefits of hypnosis and meditation, how they’re similar, and how they are also very distinctive from one another.

How to Practice


There are varying levels, or states, of mediation that can be achieved with practice. Basic mediation can be accomplished alone simply by focusing on the breath and only the breath. Most beginners will find this difficult as it’s natural at first for the mind to wander. Over time and with practice it will become easier to still the mind for an extended period of time.


Hypnosis is a guided means of communication between the conscious and the subconscious mind to effect positive change in one’s life. It is achieved with the help of a professional who will guide their client into a deeply relaxed state using verbal repetition and mental visual imaging. During this state the conscious and subconscious are more receptive to helpful and positive suggestions.



In a relatively short amount of time those regularly practicing meditation will experience improved concentration, control over thoughts and reactions, reduced levels of stress and much more. Being able to control the breath and heart rate has also been linked to improved physical health as well.


Hypnosis can help people achieve a rapid and lasting positive change mentally, physically and emotionally. Once a hypnosis specialist has helped their client into a deeply relaxed state, they are able to provide tools and successful techniques that can benefit those with stress, anger, strong fears, and even those wanting to control their weight or quit smoking.

Final Thoughts

While meditation can be beneficial to many, it can rarely help those seeking relief from deeper, more complex stressors, habits, and fears. At Mind Enhancement Center you will be met with a team and atmosphere centered around quality service, privacy, and the highest codes of ethics and standards. Call us at (817) 589-7407 to achieve lasting positive change in your life through hypnosis!