Mind Enhancement Center

Overcome Stress & Anxiety

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Treating Stress with Hypnosis

In today’s era, almost everyone is dealing with stress. Whether it’s a school-going kid or a working adult, stress is exceptionally pervading. Often, people assume that stress is untreatable. But that’s not the case. With the correct customized designed hypnosis, stress and fear can be overcome.

Wondering how you can treat your stress with hypnosis? Fret not! We have gathered and listed all the information below. Scroll down to read more.

How Is Hypnosis Used to Treat Stress?


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Let’s say you were in an accident a few years back, and now you have a fear of sitting in and driving a car. During your session, a hypnotist can give you post hypnotic suggestions and support while you are in a state of consciousness.

Basically, in this type of state, the human mind becomes more open to new suggestions. This provides a good chance for the hypnotist to suggest how confident and comfortable you will be the next time you sit in the car to drive it.

Because of the reduced fear and relaxed state you’re in, it can be much easier to avoid a rapid increase in any kind of stress symptoms you may experience, such as:

  • The fear that something is likely to occur
  • Shortness of breath
  • Muscle tension
  • Nervous stomach
  • A sudden increase in your heart rate

So if you’re trying to cure your fear of driving and sitting in the car, you can imagine yourself experiencing the same situation when you feared driving the car for the first time. You can also make use of the technique called hypnoprojectives, where you visualize the events from your past as you would want to see them and then see yourself in the future. You will be more relaxed and at complete peace while driving a car.

However, just like meditation, hypnosis has a similar effect on the human mind and can help reduce or eliminate stress easily. This newly created hypnotic induction will help to put you into a more relaxed state, just like meditation can do. A person can then use this state to address their fears and worries.

Final Thoughts

Today, more people prefer hypnosis treatments than medical treatments. If you’re dealing with severe stress problems, let the professionals at Mind Enhancement Center in Hurst, TX help you with it. Our experienced staff will help you overcome all types of fear and stress while providing you with better solutions. For further information about our services and pricing, give us a call at (817) 589-7407. We’ll be delighted to assist you.

Dealing with Exam Stress

Exams and finals week are the bane of every student’s academic career and can either make or break their grades. When it’s time to put their knowledge, memorization, and recall ability to the test, most – if not all – students experience an abundance of stress. It can be very difficult to cope with and some individuals may even start feeling physically ill as a result. In this month’s blog, we discuss how to deal with exam stress and nervousness.

Why Stress Builds Up

The fear and unease that comes with exams affects students of all ages. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how well they prepare themselves or how long their study sessions were – there will always be that lingering panic and nervousness. This is usually due to the uncertainty of the unknown and not knowing what questions or problems that will pop up. Many also doubt their ability to perform and draw blank during test taking.

In our society, there is a great emphasis on utilizing exams to measure a person’s knowledge and abilities. While we all expect it during school or going into a job, those built up feelings of stress will always be prevalent as the testing date draws near. If an individual doesn’t know how to cope with it, it often leads to intense emotions, panic attacks, or even “breaking points”.

Over time, the built up stress will lead to lasting negative impacts on a person’s unconscious mind and result in more performance-based fears.

Hypnosis and Coping with Exam Nerves

Preparing for your exam and acing it isn’t just about how knowledgeable you are, but it also depends on your state of mind. While you may know the information to pass the test, the stress will hinder your ability to focus and concentrate. You are more likely to achieve your full potential when you feel calm, focused, and confident.

Through hypnosis, an individual will be able to control those exam nerves and reduce any fears associated with it. This allows more room for confidence and relaxation. In addition, hypnosis will defuse any self-sabotaging habits and keep clients motivated moving forward. Self-esteem and self-belief will also be restored, which leads to enhanced learning and memory recall.

Additional Tips to Calm Your Nerves 

Sometimes a little bit of stress is good for motivation, but experiencing too much stress will hinder your abilities. When you find yourself struggling with nerves during an exam week again, here are some additional tips to try out:

  • Focus on breathing techniques to calm yourself.
  • Keep a planner or schedule of your studying time.
  • Study in a peaceful and quiet environment.
  • Try working in short bursts rather than a prolonged study session to avoid fatigue.
  • Always remember to take breaks to stretch, eat, and hydrate.
  • Take a short walk if you feel restless sitting in one spot.
  • Avoid social media and other distractions.
  • Start a workout routine.
  • While college students are notorious for pulling all-nighters, try to keep a consistent and adequate sleeping schedule.

Learn More

Don’t let stress take over your life and break free from its hold with the help of Mind Enhancement Center. Our certified hypnotists will help you take control again and achieve success with any type of test taking. For more information, please visit our website or call (817) 589-7407 for any questions. Get started on consultation today!  

Personal Growth: How to Be More Assertive

“Just stand up for yourself!” is a common phrase said to individuals on the short end of the stick. However, for many people it’s not as easy as simply saying their thoughts and feelings in the heat of the moment. This lack of assertiveness can be the result of trauma holding them back as well as fears and conflict avoidance. So how does one learn how to overcome these obstacles?

Why People Lack Assertiveness

From an outside perspective, people can be very quick to judge and belittle those who are not as outspoken. The lack of assertiveness can stem from a wide variety of factors in a person’s life. This can be having low self-esteem, being unable to handle stress, being avoidant, etc. Some people avoid being assertive because they fear that their peers will not like them for being “too bold”. Others may be so used to remaining passive, such as due to past abuse or bullying, that they find it hard to break out of their shell.

Understand the Differences in Communication

The first step is to understand the differences between assertiveness, passiveness, and aggressiveness. Being assertive is vastly different from aggressiveness and some people may misunderstand the difference in communication. Aggressive people tend to put their needs first by pushing other people over without any regard – often coming off as rude or selfish. While assertiveness is being able to confidently communicate one’s wants and needs while still considering other people’s feelings.

On the other end of the spectrum, passive individuals tend to “go along with the ride” and support other people’s wants even if they don’t agree with it. They often have difficulty imposing their own thoughts and wishes. Similarly, a passive-aggressive person may not directly announce their thoughts but they tend to express negative feelings in an indirect way instead of openly addressing them.

To be assertive is to be clear, honest, and direct in communicating what you want without hurting or offending those around you. Assertive individuals are able to express their views even under stress. An example would be confidently asking for a raise or promotion at work in a concise and professional manner.

Learning to Be More Assertive

Assertiveness is a communication skill that anyone can master. It’s about being calm during times when assertiveness is needed. It’s much easier to refuse to do something and stand your ground when you’re not worried about what the other person thinks about you. Remember that it’s possible to give an aura of confidence without being rude and remaining positive and approachable.

This is how hypnosis comes into play. Hypnosis changes the way your unconscious mind reacts to stressful situations and naturally eases any fears during confrontations and disagreements. This allows individuals to delve into self-discovery and eliminate any past negative issues.

Of course learning how to be assertive won’t magically happen overnight. It’s best to start small while integrating assertive choices in your life. Learning how to say no to things and setting boundaries are key steps in building your self-esteem. People are not mind readers so always try to speak up for yourself if something is bothering you and be open to feedback. At the end of the day, even the smallest of victories and achievements will boost your confidence.


Changing your emotions about being assertive is key in better developing your communication skills. With hypnosis, assertiveness can be a natural part of your personality and enable you to have a voice in various situations. Improve your personal growth with the help of Mind Enhancement Center. Learn more about our hypnosis services by visiting our website.

Physical Signs of Stress

Stress is a normal reaction that is supposed to help the body adjust to new situations. Not all stress is bad, in fact it can help us avoid present danger and motivate us to accomplish tasks we’ve deemed important to us.

Today when individuals describe themselves as stressed, very rarely is it because they feel they’re in immediate physical danger. When we allow ourselves to become inundated with stress without relief, we become more susceptible to experiencing physical reactions, some of which can become chronic.


Prolonged stress can cause all types of random aches and pains within the body. From headaches and chest pains to stomach aches and sore muscles, grasping just how much physical wear and tear stress generates in the body can be distressing in itself!

Cardiovascular Issues

When stress runs rampant it’s not uncommon for individuals to experience a variety of cardiovascular issues. Anything from minor chest pain to dramatic changes in blood pressure can be serious signs of physical stress that need to be managed more effectively.

Irregular Sleep

Those experiencing great amounts of stress often experience dramatic and erratic sleeping patterns and behaviors. For some, a typical twenty-four hour period could consist of very little sleep while the next consists of nothing but sleep. While it’s incredibly easy to get stuck in poor sleeping patterns, achieving consistent deep rest can help individuals overcome stress better than almost anything else.   

Digestive Issues

One of the most common symptoms of stress is digestive discomfort. This typically includes stomach cramps, gas, urgency, and even ulcers in some extreme cases. Persistent and unresolved stresses and fears can cause the body to overreact, and sometimes even become a catalyst for more serious and chronic issues.

Final Thoughts

The physical consequences of stress can eventually become dangerous and incredibly detrimental to our overall health, especially when left unchecked. Develop powerful coping techniques and invaluable tools for combating the stress in your life with help from hypnosis and EFT.

At the Mind Enhancement Center, we offer effective hypnosis for stress relief and strive to help individuals live a more stress-free life. Contact us today by heading to our website and to get started with our effective stress relief treatments in Dallas Fort Worth.

Overcoming Your Gambling Habits

A gambling habit, also known as problem gambling, is when an individual has the uncontrollable urge to continuously gamble despite the negative consequences. Some may even recognize that they have the desire to stop, but they can’t break out of the cycle. With gambling being so heavily integrated in society, it can be difficult to pinpoint a habit developing into a problem. In this month’s blog, we discuss how gambling patterns develop and how hypnosis can alter these negative patterns and behaviors.

Signs of a Gambling Habit

Taking your chances on the occasional scratcher card or lottery ticket can be fun, but there’s a huge difference between that and having the urge to gamble at any given moment. It’s important to recognize these problems and understand just how much of an impact gambling has on an individual’s finances and relationships. Here are some signs that point to a gambling habit:

  • Finding it difficult to stop or manage gambling.
  • Spending more time and money on gambling than you can afford.
  • Lying about gambling.
  • Attempting to get out of financial troubles through gambling or accumulating more debt.
  • Borrowing money, skipping bills, selling belongings, or stealing to pay for gambling.
  • Chasing after the “high” of gambling by betting larger amounts of money.
  • Neglecting personal relationships and work obligations.
  • Losing interest in other activities.
  • Feelings of anxiety, irritation, isolation, and guilt.

Why People Turn To Gambling

Many people gamble for entertainment or for the thrill of winning, while others may do it as a little escape. However, the important difference in enjoying something as entertainment and it turning into a problem is when it becomes a way of coping. This can cause more harm than good, especially since gambling is a very expensive habit. Ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away and what starts out as a stress relief can grow into a bigger complication. It becomes a downward spiral for many people, which leads to the development of a habit.

Similar to drugs and other substances, gambling can stimulate the release of dopamine in the brain. Those attached to substances or alcohol require increasingly stronger and higher amounts to satisfy their indulgences and gamblers, in a similar manner, begin to pursue riskier ventures. They begin betting larger and larger amounts of money while craving that thrill and adrenaline to achieve pleasure. Individuals stuck in this cycle may feel compelled to keep gambling in an attempt to recover their losses due to guilt, which consequently leads to even more loss. This is a destructive cycle that has a serious consequences on an individual’s emotional and mental health.

How Hypnosis Can Help

Hypnosis is a very useful tool for habitual gamblers to make lasting positive changes and take control of their urges. Gambling can become a life consuming problem and hypnosis can provide a long-term recovery solution. A certified hypnotist can help the client identify the triggers that lead to the habit and help them break out of that negative cycle. For example, the reason an individual may turn to gambling may be due to an argument or a stressful experience. Hypnosis aims to alter the way a person associates gambling as a coping mechanism and a form of stress relief. Overall, clients will be able to learn how to manage their feelings and cope with things in a healthier manner.

Learn More

At its core, hypnosis helps recovering gamblers build their confidence and self-esteem. It helps clients manage their stress and anxiety while building a stronger mindset to overcome future challenges that may come their way. Mind Enhancement Center specializes in helping clients with behavioral changes while providing the necessary personal and individualized care. Learn more about how hypnosis can help you by visiting our website.

Overcoming Your Biggest Fears

Fear is one of the most powerful emotions humans experience, and it isn’t always bad. Rational fears are valuable and can help us proceed with caution in potentially dangerous situations. However, when fears begin to negatively control or limit the way individuals live their lives, addressing the fear can help significantly improve one’s relationships, overall wellbeing, and quality of life. Whether you or someone you know has a fear of doctors, flying in airplanes, animals, public speaking, or anything else, follow along below for remedies that have been proven to help.

Face it Head On

Although facing fears head on is not the most favored approach by most, it can be a highly effective way for overcoming it. For example, do you suffer from a fear of heights? Gradually increase your exposure to heights safely, and alongside someone you trust. When feelings of uneasiness begin to arise, sit with the feelings and repeatedly remind yourself you are safe, you are not in pain, that nothing is going to hurt you, and anything else that can help affirm to your subconscious you are not in imminent danger.

Build up Your Confidence

There are countless books, movies, entrepreneurs, songs, gurus, and even scientists spreading the word that the secret to success is having an unwavering conviction for achieving that success. In order to successfully overcome your most intense fears, you have to truly and whole heartedly believe that you can, which requires confidence.

Building confidence in oneself takes consistent practice and faith. Speaking self-affirmations into a mirror can be a surprisingly difficult but effective way for building up ones confidence over time. Begin by telling yourself you are strong, courageous, confident, and ambivalent every single day until you start to believe it. Setting achievable daily goals is also a great way to build up your belief that you can and will follow through with your decisions and attain the things you desire.


With direct guidance from a seasoned hypnotist who uses proven methods for success, hypnosis can help desensitize you to your fears. During hypnosis, you may be asked to visualize the objects or situations, which evoke the feelings of fear. In this safe and controlled setting, clients can reason with their fears, face them, deconstruct them and ultimately overcome them.

The amount of time needed to achieve results with this method differs from person to person, but oftentimes results can be instantaneous. When you are able to change the way you think about your fears by controlling of your feelings and reactions, ultimately you can eventually change your life as well.

Final Thoughts

Our certified Dallas Fort Worth hypnotists and EFT practitioners offer panic treatment and fear relief for a variety of fears. Our goal is to help you develop techniques that help bring about lasting change in your everyday life to overcome your biggest fears. With help from the Mind Enhancement Center, nothing will be able to hold you back from experiencing and accomplishing the things you want in your life. Visit our website or contact us directly at (817) 589-7407 today!

Hypnosis and Stuttering

Do you have trouble with speech fluency? Have you found yourself repeating sounds, syllables, or words while trying to string together a verbal sentence? Stuttering, also known as stammering or childhood-onset fluency disorder, is a speech disorder that causes frequent disruptions in one’s fluency and speech. Individuals who stutter know what to say but have trouble communicating it. Some may repeat or prolong a word or frequently pause in their speech. While many may outgrow developmental stuttering, others may experience constant stuttering well into adulthood. In this month’s blog, we will discuss the symptoms and causes of stuttering and how hypnosis can be beneficial in treating it.

Symptoms of Stuttering

As mentioned above, symptoms of stuttering include difficulty with starting a word or sentence with frequent interruptions caused by repetition and pauses. Stuttering may also include physical tics such as rapid eye blinks, facial tics, head jerks, and fist clenching. Feelings of excitement, stress, pressure, tiredness, and so on can also worsen it.

Individuals who stutter may also find speaking in social settings or in front of large groups very difficult. However, it is known that some are able to speak perfectly when talking to themselves or while singing.

Causes of Stuttering

Stuttering can be caused by various factors. Development stuttering is very common in children as they learn how to develop their speech and language. Generally, this is outgrown and is resolved as they grow older. However, if stuttering continues on into adulthood, it may be due to a psychological issue. This can be caused by many things but it can also be a result of being bullied, abused, or ignored during childhood.

Genetic factors can also lead to stuttering. Families with a history of stuttering have shown that their children are more likely to also develop speech fluency problems, although the severity of it will vary. While researchers have been unable to pinpoint an exact gene, stuttering can be inherited from genetic abnormalities.

In more rare cases, stuttering is caused by a neurological issue such as brain damage from an accident or a serious fall. This is known as acquired stuttering.

How Hypnosis Can Help

If you are struggling with stuttering, especially if it’s due to psychological factors or trauma, hypnosis can be a very beneficial tool in learning how to cope with it and even eliminate it all together. Hypnosis works with your subconscious mind and addresses the root of the cause. It can ease stress and fears while helping you build your confidence.

There are various techniques when it comes to easing the symptoms of stuttering. For example, a hypnotist may use the regression method where the client is taken back to their childhood in order to identify the root of the problem. This may be a time in their life where they were bullied or ignored and had trouble finding their own voice, thus resulting in stuttering. A hypnotist can then help change the client’s beliefs about the situation and desensitize their reaction to the childhood memory. Of course, everyone is unique and has their own particular experiences and causes. It’s always best to personally consult with a certified hypnotist and find the best approach in improving your speech fluency.


Severe stuttering can be very impactful on your life. Here at the Mind Enhancement Center, our certified hypnotists have many years of experience working with clients and helping them with behavioral changes, including stuttering. Our specialized services are carefully tailored to each of our client’s needs. We always strive to provide a safe and comfortable environment and our door is always open to those who would like to explore hypnosis. Visit our website to learn more about our services or contact us at (817) 589-7407 for any questions.

How to Break a Bad Habit

A habit is defined as a tendency that is hard to quit. Common bad habits that many struggle to quit include overeating, smoking, nail biting, bed-wetting, stuttering, and more. Bad habits are oftentimes so hard to break because they are more controlled by the subconscious mind than by the conscious mind. So in order to best tackle and overcome bad habits like these, we must first revolutionize how our subconscious mind works. Below, we discuss several tried and true methods that may be able to help you finally break a stubborn bad habit for good.

Set Attainable Goals

It’s okay to start off slowly. In fact, it is actually encouraged when setting goals with habit breaking. Making unrealistic goals for yourself will increase your chances of self compromising your momentum and confidence along the way. Recognize that breaking a bad habit is a journey and that there will be highs and lows throughout. In the long run, setting incremental goals is a very effective way to help keep you on track with your goal to quit.

Treat Yourself

There are countless ways you can treat yourself that will ultimately support your goal of breaking a bad habit. Rewarding yourself to a full night’s sleep, a healthy meal, or a walk out in nature will promote continued overall wellness and a desire for a healthier life.

Another option is to quite literally reward yourself with something you really desire. It could be a trip, a manicure, a new outfit, or anything that will truly keep you motivated to reach your goal time and time again.

Recognize Triggers and Cues

More often than not, one can find patterns with their habitual behaviors, such as triggers. Cues and triggers can be anything from feeling lonely and anxious to hanging around certain people or places. While these often vary from person to person, steering clear of triggers is a great tool for anyone wanting to seriously break a bad habit.


Hypnosis is a lasting and effective method for breaking bad habits because it targets issues at their source by eliminating the desire to perform the habit in the first place. Many habits are associated with strong emotions and feelings of happiness or sadness that need to be addressed from within in order to be overcome. Instead of giving up something that a person enjoys, the goal is to be free of the unwanted habit and live a happier life.

Final Thoughts

At the Mind Enhancement Center, we firmly believe that old habits don’t have to die hard and when you do change your habits – you change your life. Visit our website to learn more about our services or contact our team today directly at (817) 589-7407.

How Hypnosis Can Help With Weight Control

When people think about weight control, they think about seeking the advice of doctors, nutritionists, and personal trainers. However, did you know that hypnotists can also help with controlling weight gain? In this month’s blog, we will discuss how hypnosis can actually help with weight control and ultimately lead to a healthier lifestyle.

Reasons Behind Weight Gain

There are many variables behind weight gain but a common reason is due to overeating. When a person overeats, it may be because they feel like its fulfilling a necessary need whether it be for entertainment, boredom, or to reward themselves. For example, after committing to a strict diet plan or workout schedule and ultimately losing their desired weight, an individual may feel the need to reward them self by eating unhealthy foods. In most cases, people accidentally eat too excessively after forbidding themselves from fattening foods, which results in gaining back all of their weight and more. Others may overeat because they see food as a comfort and a source of relief from a past trauma. Whatever the reason may be, the most common offender is a person’s mindset and how they perceive food.

Using Hypnosis

Now how does hypnosis come into play? Hypnosis can help change a person’s attitude and perception of their relationship with food. The ultimate goal is to positively influence the client’s mind and have them feel that smaller portions are adequate and will satisfy their appetite. In other words, people don’t have to give up their favorite foods and turn to a strict diet, and instead they can still enjoy the same things but in smaller quantities.

Overall, hypnosis is all about changing one’s habits for the better. It addresses the subconscious and the root of what makes you tick. If you have problems sticking to a healthy diet or have trouble with portion control, hypnosis may be a viable option for you.

Additional Tips to Integrate Into Your Life:

Other than hypnosis, it doesn’t hurt to integrate more healthy routines into your life. Here are a few to help with weight loss:

  • Keep a food diary or tracker and identify if you’re eating because you’re hungry or out of boredom.
  • Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your meals.
  • Remember to drink plenty of water daily.
  • Make a habit of taking walks or jogs throughout the week to keep your body moving.
  • Try not to skip meals because this can slow down your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight.


Sometimes things are easier said than done. That’s why here at the Mind Enhancement Center, we are here to help you every step of the way. Our certified hypnotists have decades of experience and have helped many clients improve themselves and change their habits in healthy ways. We provide specialized services for everyone’s unique needs and we value providing a safe and welcoming environment. To learn more about what we do, please visit our website or call us at (817) 589-7407 to speak with a professional for any questions or concerns.

Hypnosis & Negative Thoughts

            There is never a good time to find happiness and hope within your life. When you can control your negative thoughts, it either eliminates or reduces your negative thoughts about yourself. You can take control of your life by tackling the ideas that are hurting you. It can take up to 21 days to create a new habit in the subconscious mind. So it is essential to ask yourself, what patterns can I change in my life to have a better life? 


Quickly Releasing Negativity

Everything in the universe starts with a beginning, like a seed birthing a tree. Your thoughts also can birth lousy behavior or habits. Using your mind’s eye, you can discern what deep thoughts are hurting you or helping you. Just like a tree, you can identify what part of the tree is dying and growing.  Positive and negatives thoughts can bring different emotions. When you linger on negative thoughts, it becomes easier to have a negative mindset, and positive thoughts work similarly. 

As you walk on your path, you can easily walk to your destination. But when you depart from the original path, it becomes harder to walk due to external obstacles. The same approach can come from our thinking. Our thoughts become more repetitive the more we act upon them.

Hypnosis can help you change this automatic pattern by activating those responses.  You can be in a safe, comfortable environment such as our office and receive new positive thoughts thru the power of suggestion. Hypnosis is effective because when you are deeply relaxed or in a ‘trance-like state, you are more susceptible to suggestion, and therefore more likely to adopt a new habit, the ‘learned’ response.


It is not easy at first to start walking on the right path. But, over time, it will become easier. It essential to set goals for personal development and get the critical elements to have positive progress. Allow your call to the Mind Enhancement Center to be your first smart goal. At the Mind Enhancement Center, we help you with personal growth and self-esteem improvement. You can set an appointment with us today. Hypnosis has proven successful with Stress, Habits, fears, weight control, anger, grief, smoking cessation and more. Give us a call today at (817) 589-7407 or visit our website.

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